The Stats are in! Video is the #1 Content Type.
The Stats are in! Video is the #1 Content Type. Source HubSpot Yes! Having a Book Trailer or Promo Video is the Media of choice. For 2 years running, Hubspot has confirmed the #1 form of media used within content strategy is Video. This is great news for those of you have Promo videos already created. Blogs are at #2 and the great thing about a blog is that you can also add your video in there too, so you can hit the top 2 spots with ready to go content! I am a big fan of Hubspot, not only do they update me on marketing trends but also they have some fantastic features on their website - as well as free services. They also have FREE blog tempates to help you write an engaging Blog, you can get a copy here . Now back to that all important Video of yours..... G athering engagement on your video will only work if it is used correctly. So here's a quick run down of where to use it: The #1 channel is Social Media, with Instagram and Facebook being the to...