The Stats are in! Video is the #1 Content Type.
The Stats are in! Video is the #1 Content Type.
Source HubSpot
Yes! Having a Book Trailer or Promo Video is the Media of choice.
For 2 years running, Hubspot has confirmed the #1 form of media used within content strategy is Video. This is great news for those of you have Promo videos already created. Blogs are at #2 and the great thing about a blog is that you can also add your video in there too, so you can hit the top 2 spots with ready to go content!
I am a big fan of Hubspot, not only do they update me on marketing trends but also they have some fantastic features on their website - as well as free services. They also have FREE blog tempates to help you write an engaging Blog, you can get a copy here.
Now back to that all important Video of yours.....
Gathering engagement on your video will only work if it is used correctly. So here's a quick run down of where to use it:
The #1 channel is Social Media, with Instagram and Facebook being the top 2 sites used by companies, followed by Twitter, YouTube & LinkedIn.
If you don't already have accounts set up for these sites - please do not go full force into registering with all of them.... Just pick 2 or 3 to start with. Facebook & Instagram are at the top but you may prefer the layout and ease of use you get with Twitter as opposed to Facebooks sheer size and unnecessary amount of information on one page (I absolutely understand and agree if you are overwhelmed by Facebook).
The fact is - Facebook sees the highest ROI, which isn't surprising due to the amount of people using it, however this doesn't mean you won't see results from the runners up, Instagram, LinkedIn & YouTube which are much simpler to use and also have huge membership numbers. What you need to know is that engagement = engagement. In other words, if you give, you will get back. You cannot just send out one post and never engage with those who share or comment on it (if any do). You have to be present and engage - hence why I recommend choosing a platform you'll find easy to use.
Post, Share, Like, Comment, Connect every day!
Set a goal for a month to do the following:
1. Post something every day - your video - an update on your next project - what you are doing today - a blooper - advice - then your video again.
2. Share someone else's post every day - but add a comment of why you are sharing, how it helped you or made you feel.
3. Like a post - or like a few!
4. Comment every day - engage with people by commenting on their posts
5. Connect every day - look to connect to 3 or 4 people on each platform per day. Build connections which are likely to be customers as well as people within your sector.
This interaction will increase your organic reach and ultimately get your post infront of more eyes, and the more interesting that post is the more engagement you get.
Put your Video on your website, dont just share it on social media. As the stats show, we like to watch video and we like interesting content, so make your website more interesting by adding your blog, your video content and what you are up to. Stale websites do not attract views so keep your content refreshed as often as you can and make it a place people want to visit.
Keep in touch with customers by sending an email every so often. You already have a list of previous customers who have purchased from you or contacted you about your products, so let them know you're still here. We don't like too many emails and we only want ones that have a purpose, such as customer discounts & education or information relevant to them. So keep them to a minimum but make them worthy.
I won't wish you good luck as anyone who wants something to happen, will make it happen - so instead I'll say 'have fun & enjoy it'.
Yes? Great, so now you've got all of that sorted - it's time to get your video sorted. And yes, I can help you there 😉
I have been working on the options available to give you the optimum lengths that work great on all platforms. You have 4 trailers to choose from where I'll design and create your video from the description, ideas and wishes you provide.
For those of you who want to be fully involved in the framework, the imagery and feel of the trailer, you can be the Director with a Bespoke hourly rated project. Your wish is my command and my experience and knowledge are at your disposal.
You'll see the 4 trailer options below.
Included in each video are:
Music - chosen to compliment the storyline or project
Video Footage - sourced from a huge archive of footage and used in such a way that it feels as though it was made for your video alone
Images - As with video footage, sometimes using images can give a better creative licence. By merging 2 scenes and being able to manipulate each image you can produce magical or thrilling results.
Text - Running through the video will be your story, your product details, your idea, your offer - you can decide what you want
EXTRAS that are worth it!
Voiceover - Voiceover is an amazing addition to any video, and I have access to a number of Voice Artists who can bring your story alive with their accents and characterisation or with their warm & inviting tone. Starting at £80.
Bolt on a Teaser - You can choose to have a 'Teaser' trailer as well as a Promo or Deep Dive. Why? Well this way you can capture both long and short attention spans. £20
Take a look at the All New Teaser Trailer below.
Commission Your Trailer
I absolutely love creating videos so you can rest assured that I will treat each and every video as a work of art created just for you, not using templates or pre-designed structures. If you place your order online you can let me know what detail you want included and send me any files for artwork you want me to use as you place your order.
If you have any questions before you order - just drop me an email. I'd love to hear from you and answer your queries. When you're ready to order, click the link below or go check out more information on my Trailer-It page.
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