
The Stats are in! Video is the #1 Content Type.

The Stats are in! Video is the #1 Content Type. Source HubSpot Yes! Having a Book Trailer or Promo Video is the Media of choice. For 2 years running, Hubspot has confirmed the #1 form of media used within content strategy is Video. This is great news for those of you have Promo videos already created. Blogs are at #2 and the great thing about a blog is that you can also add your video in there too, so you can hit the top 2 spots with ready to go content!   I am a big fan of Hubspot, not only do they update me on marketing trends but also they have some fantastic features on their website - as well as free services. They also have FREE blog tempates to help you write an engaging Blog, you can get a copy  here .    Now back to that all important Video of yours..... G athering engagement on your video will only work if it is used correctly. So here's a quick run down of where to use it:   The #1 channel is Social Media, with Instagram and Facebook being the to...

Why You Should Use Video to Promote your Books & Audiobooks

Why You Should Use Video to Promote your Books & Audiobooks When I find a problem, I like to research it. Read about it, watch videos about it and then.....I want to use all that knowledge and fix it myself. So what's the problem you ask?  Well, its promoting my Audiobooks. Not one to let a problem stop me from moving forward, off to the web I went! A very long time later after reading lots of articles, blogs and falling down many a sales funnel and exhausted from watching tens of webinars. I found that the ultimate thing I can do is to make my social media posts stand out and grab as much attention as possible. There are soooooo many things you can do to get posts seen but ultimately I ended up scrutinising examples of Book Trailers, because of course I saw them & was hooked. I mean the good ones are brilliant, a proper cinematic experience in a minute or so that really sets the scene, but they were out of my price range and probably many an indie author too. Then the more...
AUDIOBOOKS - PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE From the humble beginnings of 'Books on Tape', Audiobooks have really moved on and are now a growing market. Please refrain from scoffing just yet... Yes I know that Audiobooks have been frowned upon by many, as they have been viewed as something long distance lorry drivers would listen to or are another form of 'The Archers'. Well...... I'm here to let you know that actually, Audiobooks are really very 'on trend' and are now a huge growing market. So do you really want to miss out? Yes? Ok thanks for reading and I hope one day I can change your mind. No? Ok - good choice and welcome to the community of Audiobook listeners who choose to listen to Audiobooks whilst driving, ironing, walking the dog, having a bath, trying to sleep, painting, gardening, sunbathing, flying... honestly the list is endless. So my gift to you this Christmas time is to let you know how you can access Audiobooks.  1) You can create an account w...
  Audiobooks vs. Reading Books Ok, so on my quest to gain followers on Twitter & Instagram - as well as finding people to follow, I find a bit of a disconnect between those who enjoy audiobooks and those who enjoy reading. Some people go to the extent of saying on their profile page that they like 'actual' books only. Hmmm, so I wont follow you then? There are of course benefits to both and I have to say they all give you a different experience entirely. I personally believe that we need to view Reading, Listening & Watching as totally different experiences. From my own experience, some books do not translate well into Movies, however you may watch a Movie first & then find the Book doesn't live up to the Movie. So when it comes to an Audiobook, (which is using the exact manuscript as the book), what is the reason some people just cannot get into it?  Lets look at the experience you have when listening to Audiobooks vs. Reading a physical book: Reading a book 1....
 Getting Audiobook Reviews In order to get an Audiobook off the ground, so to speak, it helps to have honest, non-biased reviews. It's important for people who are browsing for their next book to see what others think, so that they can make an informed decision. Personally, it's rare that I will buy a book with no reviews, so why would I expect the everyday Audible or iTunes listener to buy without a review either. Knowing this, I recognise that as narrators, we have the perfect community to share promo codes with & in exchange, get some much needed early reviews. So, I requested a promo code from fellow narrator Kyle Tait & submitted my review a couple of days ago. Here it is: My Review of Deep Night: Detective Harlan Ulrich, Book 1: I have to say I really enjoyed this book. I listen whilst driving mainly so if I get distracted with driving and miss something critical, I can lose interest. Not with this story though, I came to like the main character, Ulrich, more as t...